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Blue Jade Flower Essence

Blue Jade Flower Essence is an exotic flower of the pea and bean family. Pea family essences help the individual to integrate into society, family, and social events. Group consciousness is emphasized.

Blue Jade Flower Essence

  • Blue Jade Flower Essence is an exotic flower of the pea and bean family. Pea family essences help the individual to integrate into society, family, and social events. Group consciousness is emphasized. The Blue Jade Flower assists those who feel very different in the world although they carry exquisite beautiful energy. They may have felt as if they were the ‘black sheep’ of the family, and Blue Jade Flower helps them recognize their unique gifts. Blue Jade Flower has one large dark legume centered among claw-like blossoms representing the ability to stand alone, helping one to navigate through the sharper edges of abandonment and societal fragility.


    Each individual bloom resembles a stout-bodied butterfly with folded wings.

    It also connects the 5th chakra (mental thoughts and communication) to the higher chakras extending beyond the 7th Crown Chakra. Communication with Higher Intelligence is activated, laying the groundwork for the brilliant mind to integrate with a New Consciousness. This essence pares well with Silversword, Shooting Star, and Parakeet Flower.

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